Land desertification on the Fringe Area of Inner Mongolia Plateau adjacent Hebei Province, excluding 580867 ha. of latent desertified lands, covers 553180 ha. occupying 32.2% of the total land areas in the area,among which the on-going desertified land makes up 71.4% of the total desertified lands in the area; severe desertified land, 27.6% and most severe desertified 1.0%.
The desertified lands on the Fringe Area are characterized by their large-scale distribution, unceasing expansion and serious erosion from rain-fed farming.
The accurrance of desertified lands in the area is caused by excessive human activities and unfavourable climatic condition - serious drought and frequent winds. It is analyzed that the desertification is caused by following mistakes: a ) Unlimited reclamation of sandy steppe and the destruction of steppe vegetation. This process brings much wind erosion and blowout on fragile sandy surface and it is principal factor to cause the problem; b ) Uncontrolled growth of populations--human and animal. This' issue gives great pressure to lands and it is referred to as an impact to develop desertification; c ) Severe drought and frequent winds are the physical factors to produce risks on lands.
The appearrance of desertification in the area brings a serious threaten to agricultural practice and animal industry. It is estimated that 71.4% of cropping land and 43.5% of grazing land have been degradated and desertified. Lower and unstable grain yield and poverty are the results of the problem.
It is suggested that the desertified lands can be rehabilitated as following steps:
a ) To reject and fence the degradated areas for increasing the percentage of plantation and rotation grazing;
b ) To establish shelterbelts for protecting farmlands and grasslands;
c ) To develop intercropping practice and agroforestry system;
d ) To extend reverse and reserve systems on grazing land;
e ) To encourage artificial plantation of sand-fixing species on the broken surface.
Journal of Desert Research