
基于RUE和NDVI的人类活动对植被干扰强度分析——以桂西北为例 被引量:15

Analysis of the Impact of Human Disturbance on Vegetation Based on RUE and NDVI:a case study in Northwest Guangxi,China
摘要 以岩溶地貌典型发育的桂西北为例,综合植被变化状况和驱动因子,采用聚类分析的方法将人类活动对植被干扰的强度进行分级评价。首先,采用直线斜率的方法对归一化植被指数(NDVI)和降水利用率(RUE)的变化趋势进行分析;其次,利用GIS技术,对NDVI变化趋势、RUE变化趋势和人口密度进行合成,并采用聚类分析的方法对其进行分类;然后,根据NDVI变化趋势和RUE变化趋势对各集群的人类干扰强度进行初步判断;最后,根据集群的人口密度值,修正各集群的地理属性,实现人类活动对植被干扰强度的分级评价。结果表明:(1)在区域尺度上,桂西北1999—2012年植被生长呈总体好转、局地退化的特征。(2)降水利用率大致呈现出从东南向西北递增的空间格局,1999—2012年植被降水利用率总体上呈略有上升的趋势,但空间上呈现出不均衡分布的特征。(3)1999—2012年桂西北人类活动对植被的影响总体是正向干扰效应大于负向干扰效应。人类活动正向干扰效应呈多中心非均衡分布特征,主要集中在以木论自然保护区和九万山自然保护区为中心的东北片区、金钟山自然保护区为中心的西北片区岑王老山自然保护区为中心的西部片区。负向干扰效应主要集中分布在东南部和西南部,以都安县和靖西县最为典型;中部地区人类活动对植被的影响并不明显,呈现出正向干扰效应和负向干扰效应零星分布的格局。(4)人类干扰主要集中在坡度25°以下区域,强度正向干扰主要分布在高程为400~1 000m的丘陵及低山区,强度负向干扰主要分布在高程400m以下的中下坡、河谷盆地及峰丛洼地。 The impact of human disturbance on vegetation was classified and assessed based on vegetation variations and its driving factors using cluster analysis method,and a case study was conducted in Northwest Guangxi of China.First,the linear regression slope of NDVI and RUE from1999 to 2012 was calculated to analyze the change trend.Second,three layers including the slope of NDVI,the slope of RUE,and population density were stacked using GIS technique,and the stacked layer was classified into 21 groups using cluster analysis method.Third,human disturbance intensity of each group was preliminarily judged based on the trend of NDVI and RUE.Finally,the groups were reclassified into seven grades based on population density. Results show that(1)At a regional scale,the vegetation in study area showed an overall improvement but local degradation trend from1999to 2012.(2)Annual RUE increased from southeast to northwest in space and showed an increasing trend in time.(3)Human activities have more positive effects than negative effects on vegetation in study area from1999 to 2012.The distribution of the positive effects shows a multi-centered pattern,which includes northeast part with Mulun National Nature Reserve and Jiuwanshan National Nature Reserve as the center,northwest part with Jinzhongshan National Nature Reserve as the center,and west part with Wanglaoshan National Nature Reserve as the center.The negative effects are mostly distributed in southeast and southwest part especially in Duan county and Jingxi county.The positive and negative effects show a scattered distribution pattern in the middle part of study area and the intensity of human disturbance in this part are mostly classified into non-significant disturbance grade.(4)Human activities are mostly distributed in the areas with a slope of 25 below,high-intensified positive disturbances are concentrated in hill and low mountain areas with an elevation between 400 and 1000 meters,and high-intensified negative disturbances are concentrated in middle-or down-slope of the hills,valley basins,and Karst peak cluster-depression areas.
出处 《中国沙漠》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期927-937,共11页 Journal of Desert Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(13YJAZH041) 中国科学院西部行动计划项目(KZCX2-XB3-10) 国家自然科学基金项目(41371041 31170486)资助
关键词 降水利用率 人类活动 聚类分析 桂西北 rain use efficiency human activities cluster analysis Northwest Guangxi
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