目的探讨心脏机械瓣膜置换术后妊娠与分娩的处理方法。方法对50例心脏机械瓣膜置换术后妊娠及分娩的病人资料进行分析结果 39例妊娠37~41周生产,其中37例剖宫产,2例自然分娩,母子均健康;2例分别于妊娠30、31周发生心力衰竭,抢救无效死亡;4例自发流产,5例人工流产。结论心脏机械瓣膜置换术后心功能Ⅰ~Ⅱ级可安全度过孕产期;剖宫产是较安全的分娩方式;
Objective To explore the treatment of pregnancy and delivery after cardiac value replacement.Methods Analyzing the data of pregnancy and delivery in 50 patients after cardiac valve replacement.Results 39 cases accomplished pregnancy and delivery safely,37 cases were by caesarean section and 2 cases were by vaginal delivery;2cases died in heart failure;4 cases had spontaneous abortion and 2 cases had induced abortion.Conclusions Most patients with Ⅰ to Ⅱ degre of heart function could get through pregrancy and delivery safely after cardiac value replacement;Caesarean Section is a relatively safe approach of delivery;Small dose of warfarin for anticoagulation is safe during gestation.
Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery