
微酸性电解水对口腔综合治疗台水路消毒效果研究 被引量:8

Study on the disinfection effect of micro-acid electrolytic water on the pipeline of oral comprehensive therapy table
摘要 目的研究微酸性电解水对口腔综合治疗台水路的持续消毒效果。方法采用现场采样和细菌定量检测方法,对微酸性电解水消毒口腔综合治疗台水路的效果进行检测与评价。结果消毒前口腔综合治疗台水路中水卫生质量合格率仅8. 85%。用含有效氯约10 mg/L的微酸性电解水持续消毒口腔综合治疗台水路水的卫生质量合格率提高到49. 15%。结论口腔综合治疗台水路污染严重,使用微酸性电解水对口腔治疗台水路中水进行消毒处置可提高水路水卫生质量。 Objective To study the effect of micro-acidic electrolyzed water on the continuous disinfection of water pollution in oral comprehensive treatment stations. Methods The effects of micro-acid electrolyzed water disinfection oral comprehensive treatment platform waterway were tested and evaluated by on-site sampling and bacterial quantitative detection methods. Results The qualified rate of water sanitation quality in the water treatment channel before disinfection was only 8. 85%. The qualified rate of hygienic quality of the water for disinfection of the oral comprehensive treatment table with micro-acidic electrolyzed water containing about 10 mg/L of available chlorine was increased to 49. 15%. Conclusion The water in the oral comprehensive treatment station is seriously polluted. The use of slightly acidic electrolyzed water to disinfect the water in the oral treatment platform can improve the water quality of the waterway.
作者 刘晓康 董非 杨彬 温宪芹 陈璐 刘雷 苏冠民 孙文魁 崔树玉 LIU Xiao-kang;Dong Fei;YANG Bin;WEN Xian-qin;CHEN Lu;LIU Lei;SU Guan-min;SUN Wen-kui;CUI Shu-yu(School of Public Health and Management,Weifang Medical College,Weifang Shandong 261042;Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,China)
出处 《中国消毒学杂志》 CAS 2019年第2期104-106,共3页 Chinese Journal of Disinfection
基金 山东省医药卫生科技发展计划项目(2017WS622)
关键词 微酸性电解水 口腔综合治疗台 消毒效果 micro-acid electrolytic water oral comprehensive treatment table disinfection effect
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