
一株H10N1亚型禽流感病毒的遗传演化及其对小鼠的感染性研究 被引量:1

Evolution of one H10N1 subtype avian influenza viruses and its infectivity in mice
摘要 为了解从湖南省某活禽市场分离的一株鸭源H10N1亚型禽流感病毒(AIV) A/duck/Hunan/S10078/2015(H10N1)(简称Hu N/78/15)的生物学特性,本研究对其进行全基因组序列的测定及遗传演化分析,并对其进行BALB/c小鼠的感染试验。序列分析结果显示,该病毒HA基因的裂解位点只含有一个碱性氨基酸,为低致病性AIV (LPAIV)的分子特征。遗传演化分析结果表明该病毒的HA基因与NA基因分别来源于H10N7与H5N1亚型AIV,内部基因来源于H7N9、H4N6、H3N2、H11N7亚型AIV,呈现明显的遗传多样性。小鼠感染试验结果显示,Hu N/78/15能够在小鼠的鼻甲和肺脏中有效复制,但仅引起小鼠轻微的体重变化,表明其对小鼠呈低致病性。本研究结果为H10亚型AIV的持续监测和生物学特性研究提供相应的参考依据。 To investigate the biological characteristics of one H10N1 subtype avian influenza virus(AIV)of A/duck/Hunan/S10078/2015(H10N1)(HuN/78/15),the whole genomic sequence of the virus was analyzed and the infectivity of the virus was evaluated in BALB/c mice.Sequence analysis showed the virus only had one basic amino acids at HA cleavage site,which was a characteristic of the low pathogenesis AIV(LPAIV).The evolutionary analysis indicated that the HA and NA genes of the virus were derived from H10N7 and H5N1 subtype AIV,respectively.The internal genes were derived from H7N9,H4N6,H3N2 and H11N7 subtype AIVs,showing obvious genetic diversity.The infectious experiments in BALB/c showed that the HuN/78/2015 was able to replicate efficiently in nasal turbinate and lung of mice,only caused slight changes in body weight during the observation period,indicating that the virus was low pathogenicity to mice.The results provide a reference for the continuous monitoring and biological characteristics study of H10 subtype AIV.
作者 王昌建 彭志 王卫国 唐小明 鲁杏华 林源 邓国华 何世成 WANG Chang-jiang;PENG Zhi;WANG Wei-guo;TANG Xiao-ming;LU Xing-hua;LIN Yuan;DENG Guo-hua;HE Shi-cheng(Hunan Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center,Changsha410014,China;Animal Influenza Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture,State Key Laboratory of Veterinary Biotechnology,Harbin Veterinary Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin150069,China)
出处 《中国预防兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期305-308,共4页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine
基金 十三五重点研发计划(2016YFD0500201)
关键词 禽流感病毒 H10N1亚型 遗传演化分析 感染性 avian influenza virus H10N1 subtype evolutionary analysis infectivity
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