东方蜜蜂微孢子虫是成年蜜蜂的重要传染性病原真菌。试验对10%的甘油、乙二醇、二甲亚砜及水在-80℃低温下冷冻保存东方蜜蜂微孢子虫孢子5个月后,孢子对意蜂工蜂的侵染性进行了考查。每只初出房工蜂接种3×104个孢子,结果发现,接种后15天,各组的孢子量无显著差异(P】0.05),产孢量为3.05~4.13×107个/只。10%甘油和10%二甲亚砜2种保存孢子感染工蜂的22 d累计死亡率分别高达74%和68%,而水保存的累计死亡率仅12.5%。所以得出结论,10%甘油和10%二甲亚砜是比水更好的孢子冷冻保护剂。
Nosema ceranae is an important chronic infectious parasitic fungus in adult honey bees. To evaluate the spore infectivity to adult honey bee worker(Apis melliefera ligustica) after cryopreservation for five months at-80℃ in 10% glycerol, 10% ethalyl glycol, 10% dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO), and water respectively. Newly emerged adult worker was inoculated individually at the dose of 3×104 spores/bee. The results showed, there was no significant difference of spore load between bees infected by different cryopreserved spores(P>0.05), which reached 3.05~4.13×107 spore/bee. The cumulative mortalities of workers were 74% and 68% after 22days post infection in 10% glycerol and 10% DMSO respectively, while that of water was only 12.5%. We concluded that 10% glycerol and 10% DMSO were significantly(P<0.01) better than water as cryopreservants,
Apiculture of China