The objective of the present study was conducted to study the effect of diet NDF level on intestinalmorphology and expression of MUC1,MUC2 in intestine of weaned rabbits. In experiments 56 weaned youngrabbits at 35 days were selected,randomly divided into 4 groups. The experiment composed of 5 days pre trailand 28 days experiment period. During the period of feeding,rabbits dormitory was immuned and disinfectednormally and rabbits were allowed to drink and eat freely.At the end of the experiment,6 rabbits were slaugh-tered in each group to collect duodenum,jejunum,ileum,cecum samples to determine. The results indicatedthat rex rabbit's duodenum and ileum were prone to infection; the 33% NDF ration was helpful to make a goodintestinal environment.
Chinese Journal of Rabbit Farming