Clinical observations and animal experimentshave been made for research on this topic.Therewere 13 patients who had acupuncture sensationprcpagated towards the ear.When a patient withtinnitus felt the acupuncture sensation enter theear,the tinnitus would disappear.Animal experi-ments showed that the evoked potentials of the cor-tical auditory area by electrical acupuncture stimuliof points selected from the channels of the Spleen,the Liver,the Urinary Bladder,the Sanjio,theKindny and the Stomach,etc.could be recorded:the converged projection of the afferent impulsesfrom the channel-points and from auditory sensa-tion on the same neuron in the inferior colliculuswas demonstrated;the effect of electrical acupunc-ture of the points upon the evoked potential ofthe cortical auditory area was evident.These resultsprovide a part of the principle for explaining thetheory of the relationship between the acupuncturechannel-points and hearing in the field of tradi-tional Chinese medicine.
Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion