
乳腺癌病期演变的回顾 被引量:2

Changing Clinical Stages in Patients with Breast Cancer
摘要 本文对我院1942——1981年间乳腺癌住院病人的病期演变、年龄分布以及治疗概况作一回顾。可能对乳腺癌防治工作有些参考价值。 Clinical stages and duration of symptoms in 659 hospital patients with breast cancer in 1942-1982 were reviewed. Cases were separated into 3 groups chronological- ly by 10-year periods. The distribution of stages on admission changed remarkably in the 40-year periods. In the 40s, 80% of the patients were in stage III-IV, while in the 70s nearly 80% were in stage I and II. Despite these changes, 40-50% of patients died of cancer within 5 years. Future hope lies in earlier detection. The importance of secondary prophylaxis, i.e. the mass screening program, preventive education through various means, monthly self-breast examination etc, was emphasized. It is also imperative to improve diagnostic techniques and the understanding of the natu- ral course of breast cancer particularly the subclinical or minimal cancer.
出处 《中国肿瘤临床》 CAS 1985年第1期31-32,35,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology
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