
五倍子商品规格等级标准及质量评价研究 被引量:7

Study on commodity specification and grade standard and quality evaluation of Galla Chinensis
摘要 以市场收集的33份五倍子为研究对象,通过本草考证与市场调查,运用描述统计、主成分分析及聚类分析,选定分级指标,结合生产实际,制定五倍子商品规格等级标准;并以水分、灰分、没食子酸为内在指标,分析等级间质量差异及外观性状与内在成分的相互关系。本草考证与市场调研发现,五倍子以个大、完整、壁厚、色灰褐者为佳,依据性状分为角倍和肚倍;通过主成分分析、聚类分析并结合本草记载及生产实际,筛选长、直径、单个质量、500 g个数4个分级指标,划分角倍、肚倍2个规格,选货和统货2个等级;相关性分析显示,五倍子内在指标与外观性状无显著相关;多重比较显示,选货灰分含量均小于统货灰分含量,但未达显著性;没食子酸含量肚倍选货和统货均高于角倍选货和统货。该文以长、直径、单个质量、500 g个数作为外观性状指标,结合本草考证与市场调研,制定了2个规格、2个等级的五倍子商品规格等级标准,可为其行业标准或国家标准制定提供依据。 This paper is aimed to study the commodity specification and grade standard of Galla Chinensis,for standardizing market order and guide the market circulation,and provide a basis for standardization of Galla Chinensis.With 33 samples of Galla Chinensis from market as the object of the research,the herbal textual research and market research were carried out.Then the grading indicator were selected by the descriptive statistics,principal component analysis and cluster analysis,combining with production practice,the commodity specification and grade standard of Galla Chinensis were set out.The data of moisture,ash,gallic acid as the internal index were used to analyze the relationship between the quality difference between grades and the appearance characters and the intrinsic composition.Herbal textual research and market research found that the high quality of Galla Chinensis characterized with large,complete,wall thick,grayish brown characteristics,and Galla Chinensis could be divided into gallnuts and horned gall.Through principal component analysis and cluster analysis,combining actual production and herbal record,screening,the length,diameter,single weight,the number of 500 g were determined as 4 grading indicators,the commodity specification was divided into two:gallnuts and horned gall,the grades was divided into two:selected goods and mixed goods.The result of correlation analysis showed there was no significant correlation between the internal index and the appearance characters of Galla Chinensis.The result of multiple comparison showed that the ash content of the selected goods was smaller than that of the mixed goods,but it did not reach significant.The content of gallic acid of the selected goods and the mixed goods of gallnuts were higher than selected goods of horned gall,and higher than mixed goods of horned galls.Using the length,diameter,single weight,the number of 500 g as the appearance characters index.Combining with the herbal textual research and market research,we have divided two specifications and two grades for the commodity specification and grade standard of Galla Chinensis,which can provide a basis for industry standards and national standards.
作者 梁晴 周涛 江维克 肖承鸿 詹志来 杨昌贵 冯汪银 张成刚 敖晓丽 LIANG Qing;ZHOU Tao;JIANG Wei-ke;XIAO Cheng-hong;ZHAN Zhi-lai;YANG Chang-gui;FENG Wang-yin;ZHANG Cheng-gang;AO Xiao-li(Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guiyang 550025,China;National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China)
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第12期2459-2466,共8页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-21) 贵州省国内一流建设学科项目(中药学)(GNYL[2017]008号) 中央本级重大增减支项目(2060302) 贵州省教育厅青年科技人才成长项目(黔教合KY字[2017]171) 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC700703)
关键词 五倍子 外观性状指标 商品规格等级 质量评价 Galla Chinensis characteristics of appearance commodity specification and grade quality evaluation
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