As a trend of cultural development, the most fundamental characteristic of globalization is the homogenization of different cultures across the world, namely, all cultures are going in a universalizable direction-
the formation of universalizable values, the interchangeability and similarity between life styles, aesthetic tastes, and all other cultural features are becoming more and more striking. The tendency towards homogenization is found in both the popular aesthetic cultural activities of today and the modernistic arus with elitist traits. Homogenization is a characteristic of universal ideal brought about by the cultural exchanges and technical developments ever since the Enlightenment; it is an evolutionary cultural concept. However, with the development of modern culture, such a monistic trend of cultural development is producing a crisis. The tendency towards homogenization resulted from pop culture and modernism is leading art to a monotonous and dried - up end. Today s development of art is facing a problem of how to free itself from homogenization caused by the so - called evolutionary - sort of 'modernistic' artistic thinking and activities, and develop towards the more vigorous multiplicity. Freeing from such a crisis does not simply mean a renaissance of classical arts, but rather a rediscovery and establishment of a new artistic spirit from the course of multicultural tradition; to endow the development of modern art with individual differences and multiplicity , thereby becoming a force which can be expected to balance off the trend of homogenization.
Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University