
标准化病人在《护理基本技术》实验教学中的应用研究 被引量:1

Research on the Role of Standardized Patients in Experimental Teaching of Basic Nursing Technique
摘要 目的研究标准化病人在《护理基本技术》实验教学中的应用效果。方法研究时段自2018年6月至2019年3月,选定本院护理系60例《护理基本技术》实验教学见习生,以随机化原则分组,分对照组(30例,采纳传统教学)、研究组(30例,采纳标准化病人教学),比较技能操作成绩、专业知识成绩。结果研究组技能操作成绩、专业知识成绩显著较对照组高,P<0.05(具统计学差异)。结论在《护理基本技术》实验教学中采用标准化病人教学,可有效提高学生操作能力、学习效率,值得借鉴。 Objective To study the role of standardized patients in the experimental teaching of Basic Nursing Technique.Methods The study lasted from June 2018 to March 2019,during which 60 trainees of experimental teaching of Basic Nursing Technique were selected from the Nursing Department of Yongzhou Vocational Technical College.They were randomly divided into the control group(n=30)and the research group(n=30)in which traditional teaching and standardized patient program were respectively adopted.The scores of nursing technique and professional knowledge were compared between the two groups.Results The scores of nursing technique and professional knowledge of the trainees in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Adopting standardized patient program in the experimental teaching of Basic Nursing Technique can effectively improve trainees’nursing technique and learning efficiency,and therefore is worth learning.
作者 刘蓉 Liu Rong(Yongzhou Vocational Technical College,Yongzhou,Hunan 425000)
出处 《智慧健康》 2019年第15期27-28,共2页 Smart Healthcare
基金 永州职业技术学院院级课题(YZ2018YB04):标准化病人在《护理基本技术》实验教学中的应用研究
关键词 标准化病人 护理基本技术 教学 效果 Standardized patients Basic Nursing Technique Teaching Effect
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