

Roles of “Shaolin and Tai Chi” Magazine in the Development of Shaolin Wushu and Some Thinking on Magazine Running
摘要 中华武术具有强身健体、防身自卫、锻炼意志、陶冶情操、增进友谊、和谐关系等诸多功能,是一项具有广泛社会价值和丰富民族精神的中国传统体育项目。80年代初,伴随着改革开放的春风,中国的国门慢慢向世界打开,中华武术以其浓郁的民族性、观赏性和健身功能获得人们的青睐,尤其是电影《少林寺》的热映,一股以少林拳为代表的中华武术热迅速席卷全球。少林武术也开始凭借其丰富的套路内容、朴实无华的运动特点以及"拳禅合一"的文化内涵逐渐进入了人们的视野并被人们所喜爱。《少林与太极》杂志正是在这样的历史背景中应运而生。自创刊以来,坚持以挖掘整理、普及推广中原武术、服务于社会、服务于河南体育为办刊理念,在挖掘整理、探沉钩玄少林与太极武术文化典籍,为武学传人立传,为中国武学史研究与传承,为光大武德、增强中国武术文化的导向意识,为传统武术在新时期的创新与发展提出对策和思路,为中国武术走向世界等方面均取得了不菲的成绩,并形成了自己的读者群,被世人誉为"一份具有较高声誉的武学期刊"。在少林武术的挖掘、传承、保护与发展的过程中,《少林与太极》杂志一直扮演着重要的角色,发挥着重要的推动作用。本文试图通过对《少林与太极》杂志在少林武术发展过程中的地位及其作用的探讨,为《少林与太极》杂志积极应对网络媒体的冲击和同类杂志的竞争,突出少林和太极两拳特色,寻找新的办刊思路和运营模式提供理论参考。 Chinese wushu (martial arts) has numerous functions, such as keeping fit, self-defending, steeling will, cultivating the mind, enhancing friendship and harmonizing relationships, and is a traditional Chinese sports event with an extensive social value and a rich national spirit.With the spring breeze of reform and opening up in the early 1980s, China has opened to the outside world gradually.Chinese wushu has found favor in people's eyes by its strong nationality, ornamental feature and fitness function.Especially after the hot showing of the action movie 'Shaolin Temple', a vigorous mass upsurge of Chinese wushu represented by shaolinquan (shaolin boxing) has soon swept the globe.With its rich contents in movement routines, simple and unadorned sporting characteristics, and the cultural connotations of 'oneness of boxing and Zen', Shaolin wushu has gradually gone towards people's visual field and is liked by people. 'Shaolin and Tai Chi' Magazine has just emerged as the times required in such a historical background.Since the start of publication, the magazine has insisting on the concept of excavating, sorting out, popularizing and promoting Central Plains wushu as well as serving the society and serving sports in Henan Province.It has formed its own readership and made remarkable achievements in the aspects of excavating, sorting out and exploring ancient and mysterious cultural classics on Shaolin wushu and Tai Chi wushu, writing biographies for wushu inheritors, studying and carrying out Chinese wushu history, carrying forward wushu morals, strengthening the sense of orientation in Chinese wushu culture, and putting forward countermeasures and ideas for the innovation and development of traditional wushu in the new period, and has been praised by people as 'a wushu periodical that enjoys a high reputation'.During the process of excavation, inheritance, protection and development of Shaolin wushu, 'Shaolin and Tai Chi' Magazine has been playing an important part to exploit an important promoting role.This article tries to make a discussion about the position and roles of 'Shaolin and Tai Chi' Magazine in the process of Shaolin wushu development, and provide theoretical reference for 'Shaolin and Tai Chi' Magazine to actively cope with the impact from network media and the competition from magazines of its kind, highlight the characteristics of shaoliquan and taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan, a kind of traditional Chinese shadow boxing), and seek for new thinking of running the magazine and its operational modes.
作者 阎彬 蒋辉
出处 《中华武术(研究)》 2012年第Z1期82-85,共4页 Chinese Wushu Research
关键词 少林与太极 杂志 运营模式 发展思路 Shaolin and Tai Chi magazine operational modes development thought
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