

Research on the Teaching Situation of International Wushu Students in Shenyang Sport University
摘要 随着全国各高等院校接收和培养外国留学生的能力增强,来华学习武术的留学生数量近年来也在不断增加。本研究采用访谈法、统计法及逻辑分析等方法对沈阳体育学院武术与民族传统体育专业武术留学生的教学现状进行分析。在武术留学生教学中,留学生的教育不规范,成为亟待研究的重要课题。这就要求武术教育工作者从各个方面学习和吸取经验,把留学生武术教育质量提高到一个新的层面,从而有效推进留学生学习武术的兴趣,让留学生更好地了解中华民族文化,提升民族间文化的交流。 With the enhancement of ability in receiving and cultivating international students by institutions of higher learning across the country, the number of international students coming to China to learn wushu(martial arts) in recent years has also been increasing. This article adopts interview method, statistical method, logical analysis method and other methods to analyze the current teaching status of international wushu students in the specialty of wushu and traditional national sports in Shenyang Sport University. Non-standard education for international students in wushu teaching has become an important issue that needs urgent study. This requires wushu educators studying from various aspects and learning from experience to enhance the quality of wushu education for international students to a new level so as to effectively improve the international students' interest in wushu learning, let them better understand Chinese culture, and promote cultural exchanges among peoples.
作者 勾庆华
出处 《中华武术(研究)》 2014年第1期12-16,共5页 Chinese Wushu Research
基金 国家体育总局武术研究院课题"大武术观视角下留学生教育与奥运新战略" 批准号WSH2012C001~~
关键词 武术 留学生 教学 全球化 wushu(martial arts) international students teaching globalization
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