棉蚜雌性蚜交配个体平均产卵量为 6 3± 1 1粒 ;未交配个体也产卵 ,卵亦变色 ,但卵量极少。越冬卵经 5 %NaOH浸泡 2 4h后卵壳透明 ,镜下观察可见受精卵胚胎发育到体躯分节期开始越冬。冬后胚胎发育仅处在颗粒团状的饱满卵应为无效卵 ,不会孵化 ;颜色发亮的卵处理后胚胎外貌清晰可见 ,此种卵当天即可破壳。棉蚜卵为滞育卵 ,春季降水对孵化有促进作用 ;室外棉蚜卵的饱满率和饱满卵的孵化率较低。
The number of eggs deposited by per mated sexual female cotton aphid is 6 3±1 1. Un mated sexual females laid eggs too, but very few, both kinds of eggs change color. Overwintering eggs in 5 percent sodium hydroxide for 24 hours made the chorion transparent so the embryo could be observed. Fertilized eggs begin to overwinter after the body segments of embryos became visible. Embryos were clearly discernible in eggs that were due to hatch within a day. The eggs underwent diapause, rain before hatching was of benefit. Autumn and winter climatic conditions are likely to be important factors affecting eggs overwintering survival.
Entomological Knowledge
"九五"国家科技攻关项目 (95 0 3 0 2 0 1)