The alteration mineral halo is the product of 'diffusion' and 'metasomatism' of ele-
ments in the process of hydrothermal alteration. The size of the halo, the features of the
mineral association and the distinctness of the alteration mineral soning are all controlled
by such factors as the nature of hydrothermal fluids and the composition of wall rocks. An
intensive study of the minerals in the halo and their geocbemical features may give us some
important information for mineral prospecting.
On the basis of studies of the alteration of the Lejiawan antimony deposit of Guang-
dong, the Woxi gold-antimony-tungsten deposit of Hunan and the Jingyang pyropbyllite
deposit of Fujian, the author selected three kinds of microcrystalline rocks of different ori-
gins for whole-rock analysis using an electron probe analyser. The author did not use the
conventional rock-melting method for sample preparation, but directly measured the chem-
ical composition of a rock on an oriented polished thin sections of the rock by using a thick
electron beam spot while moving the sample very slowly along a path across the thin sec-
tion. By averasing the measurements along 3-5 parallel paths, obtained the results of the
whole rock composition of the rock sample. The comparison of the results with the data
from the wet chemical analyses indicates that the measuring accuracy may reacb 5% for
those elements with a content of more than 10% and reach 10% for those elements with a
content of 1-9%, which implies that the use of these methods for the analysis of the com-
position of some rocks is workable and of practical significance.
The author has also applied these methods in the study of the alteration mineral halo
and undertaken a study of the mineralogical-geochemical microsection of the 'bleached
rocks' of the Woxi gold-antimony-tungsten deposit of Hunan. The results of the study in-
dicate that 'bleached rocks' are the product of hydrothermal alteration of chlorite-sericite
phyllite and that they are not formed in a single stage of alteration but are the final product
of superimposed multiple stages of hydrothermal alteration. It has been revealed that in
the process of altertion, Fe, Mn, Ti and Mg diffuse towards hydrothermal veins, while
K, Na, Si and Ca diffuse towards wall rocks. This revelation provides grounds for the hy-
pothesis that the ore substances of some hydrothermal metallic mineral deposits are de-
rived from wall rocks.
electron probe, petrochemical analysis, alteration mineral halo, mine ralogical-geochemical microsection