
属地化管理体制下进城务工人员随迁子女义务教育公共资源配置探析 被引量:10

A Study on the Public Resources Allocation for Migrant Children's Compulsory Education under the Locally-managed System
摘要 公共产品生产需要有效的公共资源配置机制。中国长期以来实行属地化管理体制,规定地方政府负有为户籍人口提供公共产品的事权责任,中央政府对财力、建设用地和行政编制三项公共资源进行宏观管理。20世纪90年代以来进城务工人员随迁子女数量猛增,使流入地政府客观上必须为他们提供义务教育,中央政府和地方政府需在财力资源、建设用地和教师编制等方面均做出相应的政策调整,但在进城务工人员随迁子女高度集中的地区,义务教育资源供求矛盾非常突出,资源不足且配置失衡。为全面、公正、有效地为随迁子女提供义务教育,政府应设立义务教育专项基金,明晰不同层级政府的财政性教育经费分担职责,科学实施区域规划、调整学校布局,促使大型住宅项目配套建设学校,实行统一的城乡学校生师比和班师比配置标准。 Since the mid 1990 swhen plenty of migrant children came into the urban areas,how to guarantee their equal rights of compulsory education has become a critical issue.Compulsory education,as a kind of local public goods,is mainly provided by local governments.Whether local governments can provide sufficient,equal and efficient compulsory education for migrant children depends mainly on the supply of public resources including disposable financial resources,construction land,and staff.From the public goods perspective,the locally-managed system is a system of the provision of national public goods by the central government and the provision of local public goods by localgovernments.The relevant Chinese laws and policies explicitly stipulate that local governments bear responsibilities in managing basic education.On the whole,the locally-managed system determines local governments' choice of strategies and methods of allocation of public resources.The deepening financial reform encourages local governments to increase their disposable financial resources as well as their power of regulation.The size of construction land for compulsory-education schools depends on the quota of disposable land stipulated by local governments.The size of staff of compulsory-education schools is constrained by the national policies of management of staff and the multi-level management system.Since the reform and opening up,the financial policies of compulsory education for migrant children have undergone three stages:the policy of attempting nothing in the 1980 s,the policy of paying tuition fees for admission in the early 1990 s,and the policy of provision of financial resources mainly by local governments in the 21 st century.The policy of construction land involves making construction criteria,planning housing construction,and combining the construction of houses with the setting up of affiliated schools.Each provincial government has formulated construction criteria for compulsory-education schools.Since 2006 the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has required that local governments should take the compulsory-education schools as part of housing planning. The policy of staffing for compulsory-education schools refers to the formulation and approval of plans for student-teacher ratios and staffing,and the policy of teacher recruitment for primary and secondary schools in municipalities,towns and rural areas.Under the locally-managed system,the compulsory education for migrant children faces a series of problems.Firstly,the financial responsibilities between the government responsible for migrant children's rural household registration and the government responsible for migrant children's urban basic public service have not been clearly defined.In some areas with a sense migrant children population,the local governments' supply of educational expenditure cannot meet the demand.Secondly,some local governments have not reserved enough construction land for building schools,and some other local governments even have not retained enough land for the housing of schools.Thirdly,there is a trend that the student-teacher ratio in urban areas is higher than that in rural areas,and many compulsory-education schools with a large migrant children population are sorely lacking in teachers.In order to make efficient use of public resources of compulsory education for migrant children under the locally-managed system,it is necessary to take the following measures.Firstly,the central government should set up the National Funds of Compulsory Education for Migrant Children,and make clear the shared financial responsibilities of compulsory education between the rural governments responsible for migrant children's household registration and the urban governments responsible for migrant children's basic public service.Secondly,local governments should improve the planning of housing of schools,undertake appropriate strategies in the use of construction land,and require that primary schools and junior secondary schools be set up in the development of large resident districts.Thirdly,the central government and provincial governments should exercise multi-level management and overall control of staff,and increase the staff quotas in areas inhabited densely by migrant children.
作者 杨明
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期153-163,共11页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(11YJA880137) 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目
关键词 属地化管理体制 进城务工人员 随迁子女 义务教育 公共资源 户籍制度 教育专项资金 locally-managed system migrants migrant children compulsory education public resources household registration system special funds of education
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