不管夜色有多深,那一盏灯永远会温柔地亮着。"我爱你,为了你的而不是我的智慧,为了活力……你是伟大的太阳,让我沉醉,当我确信我还是我自己。"是谁在那缕灯光下动情地朗诵,久违了的法国诗人艾吕雅的诗句在那样的时光听起来明朗而清丽。为了一个特殊的日子,一群诗人,近百首诗,激情地"为午夜读一首诗"。杭州第一家24小时书房诞生的日子,就这么诗意地度过。这家由杭州新华书店解放路店和菲比咖啡共同打造的通宵书店于5月18日正式亮起了彻夜不眠的灯,它还有一个很文艺的名字——悦览树,英文名叫Reading Tree。后来,浙江经视的节目主持人舒中胜走进书房来了一次"
To celebrate the opening of the first 24-hour bookstore in Hangzhou,a group of poets read nearly one hundred poems for the midnight with passion.The overnight bookstore forged by Hangzhou Xinhua Bookstore and Feelbest Coffee has turned its light on throughout the nights since18th May.Its name is quite aesthetic:Reading Tree.Outside the bookstore,days alternate with nights;inside the bookstore,readers come and go.When the lamps of the surrounding shop go out,lights of the bookstore keep illuminating even when the last guest leaves.It is a warm and fashionable bookstore.
Zhejiang Pictorial