On 1st December,2015,China took over G20 presidency officially.On that morning,a meeting was held in Zhejiang Provincial People’s Great Hall to launch the preparations for the G20 Hangzhou Summit.Xia Baolong,Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Congress,attended the meeting and made a speech.Li Qiang,Governor of Zhejiang Province,chaired the meeting.At the meeting,supervisor from the Department of International Economy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs relayed the guiding principles of President Xi Jinping’s speech on the 2016 G20 Summit.At G20 Antalya Summit,President Xi Jinping praised Hangzhou for its picturesque Landscape and emphasized that Hangzhou is a well-known city for its rich history as well as a city of innovation.He believed that the 2016 G20 Summit will present unique charm blended by history and reality.Xia Baolong pointed out that the poetic words,filled with President Xi Jinping’s deep love for Hangzhou,are not only sincere praise for Hangzhou,but also giving us directions to host a successful G20 Summit.
Zhejiang Pictorial