
砥砺奋进 勇立潮头——中国共产党浙江省第十四次代表大会胜利召开

The Endeavor to Lead the Forefront——The 14thZhejiang Provincial Congress of the CPC fell its curtain successfully
摘要 5年风雨兼程,5年砥砺奋进,5年春华秋实。6月16日上午,中国共产党浙江省第十四次代表大会圆满完成各项议程和任务,在省人民大会堂胜利闭幕。从东海之滨到浙西山麓,从杭嘉湖平原到瓯江两岸,5590万浙江儿女壮志满满,省第十四次党代会把浙江推向新的历史起点……回首往昔,豪情满怀;展望未来,任重道远。省第十四次党代会是在我省进入高水平全面建成小康社会决胜阶段召开的一次十分重要的会议。大会的主题是:紧密团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围。 Five years’ hardship,five years’ endeavor and five years’ progression.On the morning of 16th June,the 14th Zhejiang Provincial Congress of the CPC fell its curtain successfully in the Great Hall of the People in Zhejiang after completing various agendas and missions.When we cast our mind back,we are full of boundless pride;when we look forward to the future,we need to shoulder the heavy responsibilities ahead.The 14th Zhejiang Provincial Congress of the CPC is a significant conference for Zhejiang Province in its decisive stage of completing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.The theme of the conference is uniting closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,walking unswervingly along the path directed by "Eight Advantages and Eight Strategies",endeavoring to lead the forefront with Zhejiang Spirit and making efforts to realize the "Two Centenary Goals".In the coming five years,we should take the overall consideration of building a prosperous Zhejiang,a rule of law Zhejiang,a cultural Zhejiang,a peaceful Zhejiang,a beautiful Zhejiang and an incorruptible Zhejiang so as to promote various undertakings and Party building as well as making efforts to realize the "Two Centenary Goals".
出处 《浙江画报》 2017年第7期4-9,共6页 Zhejiang Pictorial
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