A long way aged 70 connected the previous devastated Zhejiang on one side and the present prosperous Zhejiang with vitality in the new century on the other side.In 1949, Zhejiang’s GDP was only 1.5 billion yuan;in 1978, the first year of the reform and opening-up, the number has increased to 12.4 billion yuan;in 2017, the number reached 5.1768 trillion yuan, 3,450 times larger than that of 1949. Zhejiang’s GDP per capita has increased by 1,278 times,from 72 yuan in 1949 to 92,057 yuan in 2017. The ever small province with limited resources has grown up to be an economic power house. It is one of the provinces with the fastest economic growth rate and one of the provinces with the most dynamic performance. The GDP of Zhejiang ranked 4th and its GDP per capita ranked 2nd in China's Mainland.The above data reflects the great changes taking place in Zhejiang’s cities and villages since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially since the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy.These changes have been integrated into people’s lives and deeply kept in people’s mind.
Zhejiang Pictorial