4Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP (Cadwalader) , 2008, "What are covered bonds and why should you care?" Clients and Friends Memo, Sept. 10.
5Douglas,John, Erica Berg, and Kevin Petrasic, 2008, "The rise of covered bonds?" PaulHastings Stay Current, July.
6European Central Bank (ECB), 2008, Covered Bonds in the EU Financial System, December.
7Johnson, Hilary, 2008, Why covered bonds may fail: Investors could shy away from securities introduced to help housing market, Financial Week, Aug. 11.
8Schafer, Daniel, and Paul Davies, 2008, "Concems as 'Pfandbrief' market dries up," Financial Times, Oct. 7.
9Solomon, Deborah, 2008, Credit crunch : Banks act to aid mortgage lending--' covered bond' plan of four firms seeks to boost financing, The Wall Street Journal, July 29.