目的掌握福建省人体重点寄生虫感染现状,为制定防治对策提供科学依据。方法 2015年根据全国统一调查方案,按病种采用分层整群随机抽样的方法选择调查点,土源性线虫和肠道原虫感染调查分别抽取15个县(市、区) 41个和75个调查点,华支睾吸虫感染调查分别抽取7个城区(城市) 12个调查点和5个镇区(农村) 10个调查点,每个调查点调查3岁以上常住居民不少于250人。采集居民粪样,采用改良加藤厚涂片法(Kato-Katz法,一粪二检)检查肠道蠕虫卵感染情况。土源性线虫调查点粪样,除采用加藤片粪检外,各加做1张碘液和生理盐水涂片,分别检查原虫包囊和原虫滋养体。结果共调查27县(市、区) 138个调查点16 799人,发现各种重点寄生虫感染者619例,总感染率为3.68%。其中土源性线虫感染率为3.67%(391/10 652),共检出3种线虫,分别为蛔虫(7例)、鞭虫(29例)和钩虫(358例,占91.6%),感染率分别为0.07%、 0.27%和3.36%;肠道原虫感染率为2.08%(222/10 652),共检出6种肠道原虫,分别为人芽囊原虫(85例)、微小内蜒阿米巴(62例)、结肠内阿米巴(44例)、哈门氏内阿米巴(19例)、波列基内阿米巴(10例)和蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫(2例)。华支睾吸虫感染共调查6 147人,感染者6例,感染率为0.09%,其中城区感染率为0.05%(2/3 418),镇区感染率为0.15%(4/2 729),两者差异无统计学意义(P> 0.05)。土源性线虫感染人群中,男性和女性感染率分别为3.31%(172/5 194)和4.01%(219/5 458),两者差异无统计学意义(P> 0.05);年龄分布以65岁及以上年龄组感染率最高,为7.87%(125/1 588);职业分布以农民感染率最高,为4.63%(376/8 121);文化程度分布以小学文化人群感染率最高,为4.85%(238/4 907);不同年龄组间、职业间、文化水平间感染率差异均有统计学意义(P <0.01);地区分布以宁化县感染率最高,为16.59%(135/820),周宁县未检出感染者;生态功能区分布,浙闽山区丘陵区的人群感染率为4.12%(226/5 480),滇桂粤中部闽南山地丘陵区的人群感染率为3.19%(165/5 172),两者感染率差异具有统计学意义(P <0.05);行政辖区分布以为三明市感染率最高,为8.87%(143/1 612),以宁德市最低,为0.20%(3/1 514)。本次人体重点寄生虫总感染率与第一、二次调查结果(总感染率为84.39%、 36.15%)比较,分别下降了95.65%、 89.85%。结论福建省人体重点寄生虫感染率总体呈明显下降趋势,土源性线虫中的钩虫感染需重点防治。
Objective To investigate current endemic status of common human parasite infections in Fujian Province in order to provide scientific basis for formulating better prevention and control measures. Methods Based on the Third National Survey Plan for Common Human Parasites, the survey sites were selected by using stratified cluster random sampling method in 2015. Not less than 250 permanent residents over 3 years old were enrolled in each site. The fecal samples were collected from each participant and the helminthic eggs were examined under microscope using Kato-Katz thick smear method in duplicate. The cysts and trophozoites of intestinal protozoa were examined using direct saline smear and iodine staining. Results Total 41 survey sites were selected for soil-transmitted helminth(STH) infections, 75 sites selected for intestinal protozoa infections from 15 counties. For survey of Clonorchis sinensis infection, total 12 sites were selected from 7 cites(urban) and 10 sites selected from 5 towns(suburban). A total of 16 799 residents from 138 survey sites from 27 counties(9 prefectures) were examined, and the overall prevalence of all parasite infection was 3.69%(618/16 799). For STH infections, totally 10 652 residents were examined with overall prevalence of 3.67%(391/10 652) identified. Three STH have been identified with individual prevalence for Ascaris lumbricoides 0.06%(7/10 652), hookworms 3.36%(358/10 652) and Trichuris trichiura0.27%(29/10 652). For intestinal protozoan infections, a total of 10 652 residents were examined and the overall prevalence was 2.08%(222/10 652), with individual prevalence for Blastocystis hominis 0.79%(85/10 652), Endolimax nana 0.58%(62/10 652), Entamoeba coli 0.41%(44/10 652), E. hartmanni 0.18%(19/10 652), E. polecki0.09%(10/10 652), and Giardia lamblia 0.02%(2/10 652). For C. sinensis infections, total 6 147 residents were examined with over prevalence of 0.09%(6/6 147), 2 of them were identified in urban areas(0.05%, 2/3 418) and4 identified in suburban areas(0.15%, 4/2 729). There is no statistical difference for the prevalence of C. sinensis infection identified in urban and suburban regions( P > 0.05). For STH infection, there was no significant difference in the prevalence between male(3.31%) and females(4.01%)( P > 0.05). People with 65-years old or above had the highest prevalence of 7.87%, and people with age less than 15 years old had the lowest prevalence(0.38%),with significant difference for the distribution of STH infections in different groups of age( P < 0.01). Famers had the highest prevalence of 4.63% compared to people with other occupations( P < 0.01). People with low education(primary school or less) had the highest prevalence of STH infection(4.85%) and people with high education(university or above) had the lowest prevalence(1.29%), with significant difference compared with people with different education levels(P < 0.01). Among the 15 counties investigated, the prevalence of STH was highest in Ninghua(16.59%) and lowest in Zhouning(0). Among the 9 prefectures investigated, the highest prevalence of STH was observed in Sanming(8.87%) and lowest in Ningde(0.19%). Compared with different ecological zones, people living in Fujian/Zhejiang mountain zone had higher prevalence of STH(4.12%, 226/5 480) than people living in Yunnan/Guizhou/Guangdong/South Fujian ecological zone(3.19%, 165/5 172), with statistical difference( P < 0.05). Compared to the prevalence of STH identified at the first survey(95.65%) and the second survey(89.85%), the prevalence of STH identified at current survey has dropped 95.65% and 89.85%, respectively. Conclusion The total prevalence of human common parasite infections is greatly reduced in Fujian Province identified in this survey, and has fallen down to its lowest level in history. Among STH, hookworm infection still needs to be better controlled.
CHEN Bao-jian;XIE Han-guo;ZHANG Rong-yan;LIN Chen-xin;LI Yan-rong;XIE Xian-liang;JIAN Dian-wei;ZHANG Shan-ying(Fujian Province Centre for Disease Control and Prevention,Fuzhou 350001,China)
Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
Common human parasites
Fujian Province