
开天盛世时期江南经济的发展水平 被引量:1

The Development Level of Jiangnan Economy in Kaitian Prosperous Period
摘要 唐玄宗开天盛世时期,北方经济发展到达唐代的顶峰,而南方的经济也出现了崛起的势头。与唐朝初年相比,至天宝时江南人口增长率高于同期的北方,农业发展需要的人口数初步具备。其时江南兴修的水利工程数量并不少于同时期的北方,尤其是几条海塘的修筑,使海塘内的土地免遭咸潮的侵蚀,大量的土地可以种植庄稼,垦田面积越来越大。开元时,江南的农业生产达到相当高的水准,粮食被大量运往北方。明州及十个新县的析置,江南的开发从内陆走向沿海,开发的大体格局在玄宗时已经定形。江南部分州县城墙的修筑,使城市的物质形态更加完善,城区面积扩大,人口增加,商品经济活跃。江南的手工业,如丝和布纺织、金属铸造业等,都在全国占有重要地位。正因为有了开元盛世时南方经济的快速发展,安史之乱后,江南才能有力、快速地替代北方,成为"国用大半"的财赋中心。安史乱后的财赋重心南移,既是偶然的,但同时也是历史的必然。 During the Kaitian Prosperous Period of Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty,the economic development of the north reached the peak of the Tang Dynasty,while the economy of the south also showed a rising momentum.Compared with the early Tang Dynasty,the population growth rate during Tianbao Period in south of the Yangtze River was higher than that in the north of the same period,and the population needed for agricultural development was preliminarily available.At that time,the number of water conservancy projects under construction in south of the Yangtze River was not less than that in the north of the same period.Especially the construction of several seawalls protected the land inside the seawall from being eroded by the salt tide.Large amount of lands could be planted and the area of reclamation was growing.During Kaiyuan Period,agricultural production in the south of the Yangtze River reached high level,and large quantities of grains were transported to the north.With the separation of Mingzhou and ten new counties,the development of south of the Yangtze River moved from inland to coastal areas,and the general pattern of development had been finalized in Xuanzong Period.The construction of the city walls in south of the Yangtze River has improved the physical form of the city,expanded the area of the urban area,increased the population and made the commodity economy more active.Handicraft industries in south of the Yangtze River,such as silk and cloth textiles and metal foundries,were all occupy an important position over the country.Because of the rapid economic development of the south in Kaiyuan Prosperous Period,after the Anshi Rebellion,south of the Yangtze River could replace the north effectively and quickly,and become the center of wealth.The southward shift of the focus of wealth after the Anshi Rebellion is not only accidental,but also historical necessity.
作者 张剑光 Zhang Jianguang(College of Humanities and Communications,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234)
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期135-143,160,共10页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
关键词 唐玄宗 开天盛世 江南经济 回造纳布 人口 水利 Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty Kaitian Prosperous Period economy in south of Yangtze River pay tax by cloth instead of grains population water conservancy
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