the:transformation of the former,the use of Yankuang Lunan Chemical Fertilizer Plant of 8#,9# highpressure boiler motor control and protection system is the last century 80's production of electromagnetic relay,number of components,devices for electronic,electric power discrete components,performance among the devices with large error,poor accuracy,protection misoperation,misoperation occurs without protection,event record,variables,parameters can not be realtime display,record function cannot visually display the working state,data protection;protection circuit and control circuit wiring complex,lead more,check instrument types required by multiple,repair,calibration workload.In previous years the overhaul is required to work overtime to check,that is time-consuming and laborious.And many years of operation of the protection device components performance variation,to a certain extent,has been unable to ensure the safe and stable operation of the boiler.After careful analysis to discuss and decide on the implementation of the transformation of 8#,9# high—pressure boiler motor control and protection system,complete with has achieved good results of the RCS 9000 series B transformation,Motor protection and control device.