
世界技能大赛模具制造技术在教学中的应用与研究 被引量:1

The world skills contest mold manufacturing technology application in the teaching and research
摘要 近年来,我校模具专业学生在世界技能大赛模具制造项目全国选拔赛中,取得骄人成绩,两名同学分别入选第42届、43届国家队。成绩的取得提升了学校的声誉,亦为我校模具专业发展带来更强驱动力,笔者从模具专业建设角度,总结模具世界技能大赛经验,通过技能大赛,推动办学模式的改革,促进专业发展,将大赛同模具专业课程体系、教学内容等方面对接,"以赛促教、以赛促改",浅谈世界技能大赛模具制造技术在教学中的应用与研究。 In recent years, the mould professional students in the competition in world skills contest mould manufacturing project in China, and making two students respectively the 42nd and 43rd session of the national team. Results achieved enhanced the reputation of the school, also bring a stronger driving force for our mold professional development, the author from the perspective of mould specialty construction, sum up the experiences of mould world skills contest, through skills contest, promote the school-running mode reform, promote the professional development, will contest with mold professional curriculum system, teaching content and docking, 'in order to promote teaching and to promote renovation', introduction to the world skills contest mold manufacturing technology application in the teaching and research
作者 严勇
机构地区 宁波技师学院
出处 《化工中间体》 2015年第3期95-96,共2页
关键词 世界技能大赛 课程体系 生产性实训 校企合作 The world skills contest Curriculum system Productive practice University-enterprise cooperation
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