目的 :观察“云克”( 99Tc-MDP)治疗恶性肿瘤骨转移的临床疗效及不良反应 ;方法 :取“云克”冻干品 2 0 0mg,用 2 50ml~ 50 0ml生理盐水溶解 ,静脉滴注 3小时 ,连续 5天为一疗程 ,隔一周或隔二周重复治疗 ,2个疗程以上者统计资料分析 ;结果 :“云克”治疗骨转移癌疼痛的总有效率为 82 % ( 55/ 6 7) ,改善活动障碍的有效率为 72 % ( 1 8/ 2 5) ,止痛维持时间平均 1月 ,无明显不良反应 ;结论 :“云克”是一种治疗恶性肿瘤骨转移的有效药物 ,能有效缓解骨痛、改善活动功能障碍、降低血钙、提高患者生活质量 。
Objective:To observe the clinical effects of 99Tc-MDP on bone metastasis.Methods: 99Tc-MDP 200mg was dissolved in the 0.9% NS 250ml~500ml and venous drip in 3 hours in 67 patients with bone metastasis for 5 days, then repeat the drip treatment after one or two week for 5 days. The clinical efficacy was observed on pain degree, active efficacy and some test indices.Results:The total remission rate of pain was 82%; 72% of action was improved and average sustainable time in pain remission was about one month.Conclusion: 99Tc-MDP could remission the pain in bone metastasis event and improve the physical action as well as the living quality.
Qinghai Medical Journal