本文主要介绍了研制成功的Ka波段100 W毫米波螺旋线行波管,该行波管主要应用于毫米波功率模块。在等激励条件下,行波管在Ka频段2GHz带宽内连续波输出功率达到100 W以上,带内总效率超过50%;行波管尺寸为280mm×60mm×40mm,重量为0.8kg。
The paper describes the development of a Ka-band helix travelling wave tube(TWT)for Millimeter wave Power Moduls(MMPM)delivering output power of more than 100 W and a high overall efficiency of 50% over 2GHz the frequency range of Ka band with the condition of equal input Power.The TWT achieves compact size in a package of 280mm×60mm×40mm with a lightweight of 0.8kg.
Vacuum Electronics