目的 通过在内镜下进行甲状腺切除术,探讨其优缺点。方法 用内镜为32例甲状腺肿物的患者实施了经胸壁皮下入路甲状腺次全切除术。结果 全部病例均手术成功,平均手术时间165分钟,无喉返、喉上神经损伤和术后出血等并发症。术后恢复良好,近期随访颈部皮肤感觉接近正常。结论内镜下行甲状腺切除术对良性甲状腺病变具有无颈部疤痕,损伤小,皮肤感觉接近正常,术后恢复快等优点。
Objective To evaluate the clinical results of endoscopic thyroidectomy. Method Thirty two patients with thyroid nodule underwent endoscopic thyroidectomy through chest-wall approach. Results All 32 operations were successful without scar in neck. No surgical complications occurred. Average operation time was 165 min. The mean time hospitalization after operation was 4 days. Conclusion With the advantages of having no scar in the neck, nearly normal sensation of neck after surgery and sooner recovery, the endoscopic thyroidectomy will prevail in selected cases in the future.
Chinese Arch Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surg