

Research on Zhao Mengfu's Calligraphy Handscroll Ode on the Snow
摘要 山东博物馆藏元赵孟頫行书《雪赋卷》是研究赵孟頫及其书学的重要文物。该卷是大德二年(1298年)冬至日为班惟志所书,是年春,赵孟頫以奉诏入大都书金字《藏经》并举荐多位善书者同行,成为南北方及朝野公认的书坛领袖,因此,该卷在时间点上具有重要意义。本文通过《雪赋卷》书写时间与周密题跋时间的考证,推断出周密去世时间应为大德二年冬至日之后,可补史料缺如。并且根据班惟志是受书人这一明证,结合卷后题跋及收藏印鉴,对文物的流传经历做了详细的考证,此卷先后经元代班惟志、明代源伯、清代李蔚和现代周伯鼎收藏。文章还通过梳理赵孟頫《雪赋卷》真伪的鉴定过程和相关依据,提出对赵孟頫的成长历程要有客观而全面的把握,不能简单地以其成熟期作品作为参照来进行鉴定。并进一步指出,书画鉴定不应当以个别败笔来否定一件作品,而应当以其妙笔所达到的高度来全面判断文物的真伪。 Ode on the Snow(雪赋卷,Shandong Museum)was a semi-cursive script handscroll of Zhao Mengfu and was an important material to study Zhao and his calligraphy.This handscroll was produced for Ban Weizh on the winter solstic day of the second year of Dade period.That year witnessed the breakthrough in Zhao Mengfu’s career when he went to the capital Dadu with the emperor’s summon writing Zang Jing[藏经]in gilt characters and recommended many talented calligraphers with him.Thereafter he became a leading calligrapher throughout the country acknowledged by both the court and the public.Zhou Mi’s colophon on this handscroll was the evidence that the date of his death should be after the winter solstic day of the second year of Dade period,which could be a supplement of historical records.This article studies the circulation history of this handscroll from Ban Weizhi of the Yuan dynasty,Yuan Bo of the Ming dynasty,Li Wei of the Qing dynasty till Zhou Boding of today.The current author also points out that the key to the authentication of a masterpiece of painting or calligraphy work like Zhao Mengfu’s should be the highest point of the work.
作者 张颖昌 Zhang Yingchang
机构地区 山东博物馆
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期88-96,共9页 Journal of National Museum of China
关键词 赵孟頫 雪赋卷 流传 鉴藏 Zhao Mengfu Ode on the Snow circulation appreciation and collection
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