

Understanding the Protests in Sino-Latin American Energy Cooperation
摘要 中拉能源合作迄今已经走过了二十个年头,双方的合作有了长足的发展。然而在这期间,中拉能源合作也遇到了一些不可回避的问题,其突出表现就是中资企业在拉美投资过程中遇到的大规模游行抗议。这些游行抗议既是拉美国家国内政治环境复杂性的反映,也是中国公司初涉拉美、了解当地情况、积累投资经验的一个过程。在深化中拉能源合作的过程中,应该重视对这些抗议事件的分析,并且加强对拉丁美洲的基础研究,做好宣传工作,防范可能存在的合作风险。 The energy cooperation between China and Latin America has been in operation for twenty years, and a considerable progress has been made during the time. In spite of the progress in this period, some problems and challenges have also emerged. Mass protests were the most radical expression of them, which reflected not only the complexity of the political structures in these Latin American countries but also the unfamiliarity of Chinese companies to the region. In other words, it is a process of experience accumulation for the Chinese companies.When both sides plan to deepen energy cooperation, these cases of protesting need to be well studied. Furthermore, it is recommended to enhance research on Latin America and put more emphasis on both publicity and advertising. The potential risks of the cooperation should also be taken into consideration.
作者 金晓文
出处 《战略决策研究》 2015年第5期55-69,107,共16页 Journal of Strategy and Decision-Making
关键词 能源合作 中资企业 抗议 拉美 energy cooperation Chinese enterprise protest Latin America
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