目的探索基于问题为中心(PBL)教学模式在临床诊断学技能实验科教学的可行性及现实意义。方法选择大连医科大学2010级七年制临床医学专业学生共120人,分为传统教学组(LBL组)和PBL组,每组60人。采用问卷调查、理论考试及临床技能考核的形式对两组学生进行考查。结果 PBL组学生的学习积极性、自我评价以及对教学方法的满意度明显高于LBL组,差异存在统计学意义(P<0.05);理论考试成绩:LBL组为(77.1±7.8)分,PBL组为(83.0±5.1)分,两组差异存在统计学意义(t=4.9,P<0.01)。临床技能考核成绩:LBL组为(78.2±4.5)分,PBL组为(86.2±6.3)分,两组差异存在统计学意义(t=8.0,P<0.01)。结论 PBL教学可以提高学生的学习兴趣,增强分析问题的能力,有利于临床实践操作能力的培养,可以提高学生的综合素质。PBL教学模式是传统教学模式的良好补充,二者有机结合,适合目前的临床诊断学技能实验课教学资源状况。
Objective To evaluate the feasibility and significance of problem based learning(PBL) in clinical diagnostics skill experimental teaching. Methods 120 cases of 7-year program medical students of grade 2010 from Dalian Medical University were divided into PBL group and LBL group, there were 60 cases in each group. The differences by questionnaire survey and theory test and assessment of clinical skill of the two groups of students were compared. Results The learning initiative, self-evaluation, satisfaction with teaching in PBL group was higher than that of LBL group, the difference had statistical significance(P<0.05). Theoretical examination results of PBL group(83.0±5.1) were higher than that of LBL group(77.1±7.8), the difference had statistical significance(t=4.9, P<0.01). Clinical skill results of PBL group(86.2±6.3) was higher than that of LBL group(78.2±4.5), the difference had statistical significance(t=8.0, P<0.01). Conclusions PBL can improve students’ interest in learning, and enhance the ability to analyze and solve problems, and help to improve the overall quality of students. The PBL pattern used in clinical diagnostics skill experimental teaching has advantages and supplement of the shortage concerning traditional teaching pattern, which are applicable in modem medical teaching practice.
Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition)