
基于心理契约的企业并购人力资源整合研究 被引量:3

Research of Human Resource Integration after Merger & Acquisition Based on Psychological Contract
摘要 企业并购在西方已经有100年的历史了,并掀起了五次影响全球的并购浪潮。近几年,关于企业并购的报道频繁出现在中国报刊杂志上。并购已经成为了企业快速发展的一种方式和手段。文章重点着眼于企业并购给员工与企业之间的心理契约的基础带来的冲击,分析在这个冲击下,企业与员工之间的心理契约从感知到未履行到最终走向破裂,违背的整个过程以及在心理契约失衡的状态下,员工的心理变化和相应的行为表现,针对心理契约的变化过程提出了动态管理模型。在并购冲击下企业和员工之间心理契约变动的不同阶段,采取相应的措施、手段从而保证企业人力资源整合的有效完成进而为企业并购成功奠定基础。 Merger and Acquisition in the West has a history of 100 years. There are five times big wave of M&A that in- fluence the whole word. In resent years, especially when our country has entered into WTO, lots of reports concerning on en- terprise M&A appear on magazine and newspaper frequently in China. This article puts emphasis on the strike of psychol- ogical contract between enterprise and employee. Under this strike, the psychological contract between enterprise and em- ployee makes a series of changes, from psychological contract felt unpracticed to psychological contract broken. When the psychological contract goes into the unbalanced condition, there are several changes in psychology and behavior of employ- ee. Based on the analysis of unbalanced psychological contract in merger process, the dynamic management model is brought forward according to change law of psychological contract in the merger process and some relevant measures are discussed. Meanwhile the dynamic process of psychological contract changes are illustrated directly. In a word, under the strike of mer- ger and acquisition,we should take the proper measure to ensure the successful human resource integration in different phase of changes in psychological contract.
作者 付锐琳
出处 《中南财经政法大学研究生学报》 2008年第3期45-50,共6页 Journal of the Postgraduate of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
关键词 企业并购 并购整合 人力资源整合 心理契约 Integration Human Resource Integration Psychological Contract
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