
“两型社会”综合评价指标体系的建立和实证分析 被引量:6

Index System and Analysis of Comprehensive Evaluation of “Two-oriented Society”
摘要 借鉴现有的研究经验,在全面理解"两型社会"科学内涵的基础上,从经济发展程度、人与自然环境的友好、社会环境的友好、资源的利用和节约、资源循环程度五个方面入手,建立起五个一级指标和32个具体指标在内的"两型社会"指标体系,利用层次分析法(AHP)对各级指标及各个具体指标的权重进行确定;利用模糊隶属度函数法对32项具体指标进行无量纲化处理,用线性加权和函数模型对"两型社会"建设进行分析。并借助这一指标体系,观察了武汉市2003—2007年的"两型社会"建设情况,发现武汉市建设"两型社会"有三个薄弱点:创新能力不足、文化类产业和服务类产业的发展仍然较为欠缺以及政府对环境保护投入不足。武汉必须坚持科学技术创新,建立以循环经济为重要特征的经济发展模式,继续深化产业结构调整,走新型工业化道路,继续推进武汉市"两型社会"的建设进程。 Based on existing research experience and comprehensive understanding the scientific connotation of"twooriented society",a index system of"two-oriented society",including five-level indicators and 32 specific targets,in terms of economic development,the relationship between human and natural environment,social environment,use and conservation of resource,recirculation of resource,which make use of analytic hierarchy process(AHP)to determine the weight of indicators,and use fuzzy membership function method to make 32 specific indicators non-dimensional,then use a linear weighted sum function model to analyze the process of"two-oriented society".According to analysis,there are three weak points:lack of innovative capacity in cultural and services industries,shortage of protection about environment.Wuhan must adhere to the scientific and technological innovation,and to establish a circular economy as the important characteristics of the economic development model,continue to deepen the industrial structure adjustment,taking a new road to industrialization, continue to promote the building process of"two-oriented society"in Wuhan city.
出处 《中南财经政法大学研究生学报》 2009年第6期83-90,共8页 Journal of the Postgraduate of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
关键词 两型社会 指标体系 层次分析法 Two-oriented Society Index System Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)
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