
路径依赖及其相关理论综述 被引量:6

The Review of Path Dependence and Related Theories
摘要 路径依赖理论认为在路径的发展过程中历史因素与偶然起着决定作用,这种解释具有一定的合理性,但也存在固有的缺陷,就是忽视了人的能动性。路径创造概念正是为弥补路径依赖的这一缺陷而提出的,其在注重历史因素作用的同时充分肯定了人的能动性在路径发展中的主导作用,而路径构造观点则整合了二者的基本观点。本文对路径依赖、路径创造以及整合二者而成的路径构造理论进行梳理,找出它们之间的区别和联系,提供一个关于路径发展的相对全面的认识。 Path dependence theory suggests that the historical factors and accidental factors play a decisive role in the development process of path. Though this explanation for path developing is reasonable, it has an internal defect, which is ignored the human agency. The conception of path creation is proposed for fixing this defect. The dominant role of human agency in path developing is fully affirmed, while regarding the role in history matters. Then the conception of path constitution integrates the basis viewpoints of path dependence and path creation. The aim of this paper is to review the theories of path dependence, path creation and path constitution and to find the differences and relationships between them. Then give a relatively comprehensive understanding of the progress of path developing.
作者 吴泞江
出处 《中南财经政法大学研究生学报》 2010年第2期46-51,共6页 Journal of the Postgraduate of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
关键词 历史因素 偶然 能动性 History Matters Contingency Human Agency
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