

Research on the Ratify of Treaty of Lisbon and the Future of the EU Constitution
摘要 欧盟立宪的实质就是构建起将欧盟组建成为一种新的社会共同体的根本价值与规则体系,而这样的根本价值与规则体系的生成将是一个动态的过程。《里斯本条约》的批准生效并不意味着欧盟立宪过程的终结,它只是对原来的精英推动式的《欧盟宪法条约》的一个更加务实的替代,它仍然是实质意义上的欧盟宪法动态生成过程中的一个阶段性成果。欧盟立宪的未来在于新的社会集体认同模式的确立和欧洲政治公共领域的构建以及欧盟民众传统宪法观念的转变。 The EU Constitution is the fundamental rules system with the target of setting up the EU as a new social community. Treaty of"Lisbon Treaty"does not mean the end of the process of the Constituent of EU; it is only a more pragmatic alternative to"EU Constitutional Treaty". In essence, it is still a real sense of the EU Constitution in the process of a dynamically generated initial result. The future of the EU Constitution exists in the establishment of a new model collective identity, the construction of European political public domain and the change of the traditional Constitution concept of the EU people.
出处 《中南财经政法大学研究生学报》 2010年第4期23-26,共4页 Journal of the Postgraduate of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
关键词 欧盟立宪 里斯本条约 集体认同 公共领域 宪法观念 European Union Constituent Lisbon Treaty Collective Identity Public Domain Constitution Concept
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