Punitive damages are different from the general form of compensatory Civil Liability. It is a special responsi- bility of both public law and private law duty, which has unique features. It meets the nature of anti-monopoly law. In China, the general compensatory liability in provisions of the anti-monopoly law is civil liability, which does not meet the characteristics of antimonopoly law. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate punitive damages in the application of China’s Antimonopoly Law. At the same time, punitive damages in China have legal basis, foreign experience, the feasibility of space conditions and so on. Therefore, punitive damages should be applied in the anti-monopoly law. Finally, the establishment of punitive damage in China’s anti-monopoly law is required to meet China’s current actual situation. And then, it should be determined the auxiliary to the principle of flexibility.
Journal of the Postgraduate of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Antimonopoly Law
Punitive Damages
Compensatory Civil Liability