Developing at high speed in recent years,life insurance industry in China has made a good achievement,while it is also facing many internal problems,coupled with the mode transformation of China’s overall economic development inner contradictions and external environmental changes proposing new requirement,ability of sustainable development should be an urgent and realistic problem to face and think about.Firstly,game theory is used innovatively as a tool to explore the price competition in life insurance industry.We can prove that the widely used price competition in insurance industry during recent years belongs to the "prisoner’s dilemma",and it’s detrimental to the maximization of industry interest,while strategy of differentiation competition can help the life insurance industry to avoid price war.Secondly,game analysis is used again to study the life insurance product innovation,proving that innovation in the insurance industry between large and small companies belongs to "Boxed Pig Game".It explains the reason over the years why large companies are active and small companies are free riding.Then personal opinions and suggestions are made on the previous proposed method which subsidies to large companies to encourage innovation.Finally,based on the game analysis,we can put forward relevant advice for the large,small and medium sized life insurance companies,as well as regulators.
Journal of the Postgraduate of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Life Insurance Company
Sustainable Development
Game Analysis
Price Competition
Product Innovation