

The Copyright Protection of “Orphan Works”in the Digital Age——Centered in Google Settlement Agreement
摘要 所谓"孤儿作品"指的是经过使用者尽力查找,仍不能确定权利信息,或者权利信息虽确定但无法联系权利人的作品。于此类作品,若轻率使用,可能会面临侵权诉讼;若不使用,则不利于作品的创作、传播以及文化的发展、繁荣。这是数字化技术发展和商业模式更新给著作权法带来的挑战。本文在分析谷歌和解协议和百度文库版权合作平台的基础上,探索孤儿作品及其产生的原因,在借鉴美国《2006年孤儿法案》、《2008年孤儿法案》和《欧盟孤儿作品指令方案》的基础上,对我国《〈著作权法〉修改草案送审稿》第51条所规定的孤儿作品制度进行分析。 "Orphan works"refers to the kind of works,whose right information cannot be determined,or whose right information is determined but copyright owner cannot be contacted. For this kind of work,if rashly use,you may face a tort litigation; if not,it is not conducive to the creation,dissemination and cultural development and prosperity.This is the challenge of the development of digital technology and business model update brings to the copyright law. On the basis of the analysis of Google settlement agreement and Baidu library copyright cooperation platform,this paper explores the reason for the orphan works and analyzes the orphan works system in china.
作者 邓亚娇
出处 《中南财经政法大学研究生学报》 2014年第3期139-144,共6页 Journal of the Postgraduate of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
关键词 孤儿作品 谷歌和解协议 百度文库版权合作平台 《〈著作权法〉修改草案送审稿》 Orphan Works Google Settlement Agreement Baidu Library Copyright Cooperation Platform PRC Copyright Law Amendment Draft Manuscript
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  • 1United States Copyright Office, Report on Orphan Works(2006)[EB/OL] http//www eopyrghtgov/orphan/orphan-report pdf.
  • 2United States Copyright offke The Importance of Orphan Works Legisiation[EB/OL](2008-9-25)[2010-4-24].http://www.copyright.gov/orphan/.
  • 3Green Paper, Copyright in the Knowledge Economy, COM (2008)466/3.
  • 4Statement of Marybeth Peters. The Register of Copyrights before the Subcommittee on Courts the Internet and Intellectual Property Committee on the Judiciary[EB/OL]http://www.copyright.gov/docs/regstat031308.html.
  • 5日本著作权法第62条第1款.
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  • 7Article 1 (1) of Directive 2012/28/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on certain permitted uses of orphan works.
  • 8Jeremy de Beer and Mario Bouchard, Canacla' s 'Orphan Works' Regime: Unlocatable Copyright Owners and the Copyright Board--Jeremy de Beer and Mario Bouchard, December 2009, p 17.
  • 9European Commission, Impact Assessment on the cross-border online access to orphan works, May 2011, p 11.
  • 10Jeremy de Beer and Mario Beuchard, Canada's 'Orphan Works' Regime:Unlocatable Copyright Owners and the Copyright Beard-Jeremy de Beer and Mario Beuchard, December 2009, p 33.









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