
BAT移动支付使用意愿影响因素研究——以武汉高校在校生为例 被引量:1

The Research on Factors Influencing People to Use BAT Mobile Payment——Taking College Students in Wuhan as an Example
摘要 随着移动互联网的兴起,移动支付的规模不断扩大,我国逐步形成了以BAT为代表的第三方移动支付格局,移动支付中用户的使用意愿和积极性对移动支付服务至关重要。本文以霍曼斯的行为主义交换理论为基础,从感知利益和感知风险角度构建了反映用户移动支付使用意愿的模型,并以武汉高校在校生为调查对象,利用问卷调查数据对上述研究假设进行验证。结果表明,用户对移动支付系统的使用意愿取决于对感知利益和感知风险的权衡。感知利益受到用户对BAT的认知程度、系统使用的方便性、安全性的显著影响,而感知风险则受到个人创新性、BAT认知程度、系统使用安全性、娱乐性的显著影响。基于以上结果,本文提出了切实有效的建议。 With the rise of mobile Internet and the expansion of mobile payment scale,there is a pattern of the third party mobile payment represented by BAT in China. Also,the willingness to use and the enthusiasm in the mobile payment service for users of mobile payment is very important. Based on behaviorism exchange theory,from the perspective of perceived benefits and perceived risk,we construct mobile payment model. Then we take college students in Wuhan as investigation object,using the questionnaire survey data to validate the above hypothesis. The results have found that whether people use mobile payment systems or not depends on the trade- off between perceived benefits and perceived risk. User’s cognition to BAT,the convenience and safety of system have a significant influence on perceived benefits,and perceived risk is influenced by individual creativity,BAT cognition,the safety of system and entertaining. Based on the above results,this paper presents practical and effective suggestions.
出处 《中南财经政法大学研究生学报》 2016年第S1期5-14,共10页 Journal of the Postgraduate of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
关键词 BAT移动支付 行为主义交换理论 结构方程 BAT Mobile Payment Behaviorism Exchange Theory Structural Equation Model
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