Stomis Clairville is a holarctic genus, containing 27 species. Fifteen species have been recorded in China up to now. The genus was briefly noted as a checklist for all species known in chinese,and a new species from Northwest Yunnan Province was described in the paper.Stomis elongatus Tian et Pan, sp. nov. (Fig. 1)Holotype:♀,Fuhe, Lajing, Lanping Xian, Yunnan, China, 2002. VII. 21,(3 200) m, leg. Tian Ming-yi, Li Yi-jing et al. under stone in a grassland which near a primary forest. The holotype is deposited in the insect collection of South China Agric. Univ., Guangzhou.Length: 12.0 mm. Breadth: 3.5 mm.Black, moderate shiny, without metallic sheen or iridescent on the surface. According to Sciaky's key, this new species falls to a group with S. chinensis JedliAcˇka, S. schoenmanni Sciaky and S. robustus Sciaky. The following character states make it easy to be distinguished from the three species mentioned above: its compound eyes quite reduced and genae are visible from dorsal view, neck rather long, elytra comparatively elongated and parallel-sided.Male: Unknown.
Journal of South China Agricultural University