
陕西省长角蚜蝇属三新种记述(双翅目,食蚜蝇科,长角蚜蝇族) 被引量:13

摘要 作者首次记录陕西省长角蚜蝇属 7种 ,包括 3新种 :红腹长角蚜蝇Chrysotoxumrufabdominussp .nov .,拟突额长角蚜蝇Chrysotoxumprojicienfrontoidessp .nov .,天台长角蚜蝇Chrysotoxumtiantaiensissp .nov .。 According to investigation on Syrphidae of Qinling-Bashan in 2001-2002 and arrangement of specimens preserved in College of Life Science, Shaanxi Normal University and Department of Biology, Shaanxi University of Technology & Humanity, 7 species including 3 new species were first reported. The type specimens were deposited in Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University. 1 Chrysotoxum baphrus Walker, 1894 Specimen identifed: 1♂, Changan County, Shaanxi Province, China, 12 June 2002. The species distributed in Shaanxi, Hunan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Tibet; Laos, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka.2 Chrysotoxum elegaus Loew, 1841 Specimen identified:1♂, Liuba County, Shaanxi Province, China, 6 June 1987.The species distributed in Shaanxi, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning,Xinjiang, Hebei, Jiangxi,Hunan;Britan, Finland, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Former USSR. 3 Chrysotoxum festivum (L. 1758) Specimens identified: 1♂,1♀,Liuba County, Shaanxi Province, China, 12 June 2001. The species distributed in Shaanxi, Liaoning, Xinjiang, Hebei, Hunan; Former USSR, Mongolia, Japan, India. 4 Chrysotoxum octomaculatum Cutris, 1837 Specimen identified: 2♀♀,Meixian County, Shaanxi Province, China, 30 Aug 2002. The species distributed in Shaanxi, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Hebei, Hubei, Jiangxi, Hunan, Zhejiang, Sichuan; Former USSR, Europe. 5 Chrysotoxum rufabdominus sp.nov. ♀ (Figs.1-4) Body length 18?mm. Male unknown. This new species differs from other species in abdominal tergites mostly reddish brown and having a heart-shaped black spot on the second tergite. Holotype♀,Zhuque Forest Park (800?m; 33°52′N, 108°32′E), Hu County, Shaanxi Province, China, 25 Aug. 2002,collected by HUO Ke-Ke. 6 Chrysotoxum projicienfrontoides sp.nov. ♀ (Figs.5-8) Body length 12?mm. Male unknown. This new species is similar to Chrysotoxum core-anum Shiraki,1930,differences between them are shown in Table 1. Table 1.The differences between Chrysotoxum projicienfrontoides sp.nov.and Chrysotoxum coreanum. [BHDFG2,WK8ZQ0,WK25ZQ,WKZQW]Chrysotoxum coreanumChrysotoxum projicenfrontoides sp.nov.HumerusYellowishBlackMesonotumWith lateral buff stripesWith lateral yellow dusted spots, postalar callus pale yellowishScutellumDarker yellowish or brownBlack brownThird tergiteHind marginal yellowish stripe obviously concaved on the middle of fore marginWithout such an obvious concave Forth tergiteHind marginal yellowish stripe extremely protruded triangularly nearly to the yellowish spot on the middle of the tergiteHind marginal yellowish stripe protruded triangularly, but apex of bulge with a triangular concave, far from the yellowish spot on the middle of the tergite Holotype ♀, Red-river Hollow (1?000?m; 34°04′N, 107°45′E), Mei County, Shaanxi Province, China, 5 Sep. 2002, collected by HUO Ke-Ke. 7 Chrysotoxum tiantaishanensis sp. nov. ♂(Figs.9-20) Body length 12?mm. Female unknown. The new species is similar to Chrysotoxum amurense Violovitsh, 1973, but differs from the later in the following characters: the third segment of antenna longer than total length of the first and second segments; yellow stripes on the 2-5 tergites without enlarged inner ends; lateral margins of 1-3 tergites and ends of the lateral margins of 4-5 tergites orange yellow; the shape of male genitalia is different from that of Chrysotoxum amurense. Holotype♂, Mt.Tiantai(1?480?m; 33°17′N, 107°04′E), Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province, China, 6 Aug. 2002, collected by HUO Ke-Ke.
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期166-171,共6页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
基金 陕西省教育厅科研项目研究成果之一 (0 2 JK1 96)
关键词 双翅目 食蚜蝇科 长角蚜蝇属 新种 Diptera,Syrphidae, Chrysotoxum, new species.
  • 相关文献


  • 1Cheng, X-Y, Huang, C-M et al. 1998. Syrphidae, Flies of China, Vol.(1). In: Xue. W-Q and Zhao, J-M (eds). Liaoning Science andTechnology Press,Shenyang,China 118-223.[成新跃,黄春梅等,1998.食蚜蝇科.薛万琦,赵建铭主编.中国
  • 2李清西,何继龙.中国长角蚜蝇属新种和新记录(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)[J].上海农学院学报,1992,10(1):68-76. 被引量:8
  • 3Sack, P. 1932. Syrphidae. In: E. Lindner. Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region. Stuugart. 1-451.
  • 4Wu. C-F 1939. Catalogus Insectorum Sinensium. Vol. 5. Peiping. 263-264.
  • 5Виолович, Н. А. 1953. Олисанлеиовоговидарода Chrysotoxum Mg. (Diptera, Syrphidae)изСреднейАзии. Зитοм. Обтом. ⅩⅩⅩⅢ:358-359.
  • 6Виолович.Н.А. 1971. Нοвъыйвидродa Chrysotoxrum Mg. (Diptera.Syrphidae) изТувы. НовыеималοизвеcтныевидыфауныСибири.Изд. 《Наука》 Новосибирис
  • 7Виолοвич, Н. А. 1973. Новыевидымух- Журчалокрола Chrysotoxrum Mg. ( Diptera, Syrphidae ) Палеарткическойфауиы. Эитοм.Обтом. , L Ⅱ (4): 925-936.
  • 8Виолович, Н. А. 1974. ОбзорПалеарктическихвиддовмух-Журчалокрода Chrysotoxrum Mg. (Diptera, Syrphidae). Энтoм.Oбтом., L Ⅲ (1): 196-217.
  • 9Виолович, Н. А. 1983. СирфидыСибири ( Dipt, Syrphidae ).АкадемияНаукk. CCCP. 54-62.












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