划分出萨吾尔 -塔尔巴哈台山地植物种一级的分布区类型共 1 2种类型及 3种亚型。分析结果表明 ,南北向格局分布区类型中的种类数目占总种数的三分之一多 ,说明本区在近代与南北植物区系的交流较多 ,成为南北植物区系物种交流的重要通道及由于该地的低海拔成为一些山地物种的分布边界 ,但中低山及平原中旱生性质的种类的分布未受到本区地形的影响。
Saur-tarbagatai Mountains,which join with several large floras,lie in the north-west of China.Their geographical location is very special.This article analyses the characteristics of the flora according to areal-types structure of the species which can be divided into 12 areal-types and 3 areal-subtypes.The results show that the species with north-south distribution pattern occupy one third of the total species,this flora has much exchange with south and north floras,it is the important channel of the species moving between south and north floras.It also becomes the distribution boundary of some upland species because of the low altitude of this area.The xeric species distributed in the plains and the front of mountains have not been affected by the topography of this area.
Acta Botanica Yunnanica
国家自然科学基金项目"荒漠地区山地 (天山 )植物区系特征" (项目批准号 :9390 0 10 - 8- 2 )
地理分布与资源利用研究" (项目批准号 :30 10 0 12 6 )资助