本文针对一般旋转体类零部件特征量的计算提出了一种新算法。该算法在引入数据封闭环概念和结构计算图概念的基础上 ,应用函数拟合方法仿真旋转体母线方程 ,然后直接对特征量进行离散化求积 ,使计算过程更加清晰连续且符合现代工程计算的理念。与传统工程算法相比 ,本算法克服了数据允余量大 ,计算机过程烦琐等特点 ,有效地提高了计算机效率和计算精度 。
A new algorithm for calculating the general revolution eigenvalue is presented in this paper.Based on the concepts of closed circle data and structu re calculation drawing,the algorithm uses the function fitting for simulating th e generatrix,and then integrates directly the formulation of eigenvalue by the n umerical method.Comparing with traditional method,the calculation is more concis e and more accordant with the modern engineering computation,in which the drawba cks,such as the large redundant data,overloaded computation details,and so on,ar e overcome,and the efficiency and precision have enhanced evidently.The algorith m expects to be critical in designing a CAD system for revolution products.
Computer Applications and Software