目的 观察吡喹酮、阿奇霉素 (prasiquantel)联合治疗儿童脑囊虫病的疗效以及治疗过程中的不良反应。方法 给予临床确诊的脑囊虫病 5 0例患儿口服吡喹酮 2 0mg (kg·d) ,10d一疗程 ,共行 3个疗程 ;阿奇霉素 10mg (kg·d) ,每日 1次 ,每疗程连续服用 3d。观察临床症状、影像学及实验室检查结果 ,根据疗效评定标准 ,计算有效率。结果 5 0例痊愈 33例 ,显效 16例 ,进步 1例 ,有效率98% ;随访 2年 ,未见明显异常。结论 吡喹酮、阿奇霉素联合治疗脑囊虫病近远期疗效佳 ,且副作用较少。
Objective To explore the effects of Prasiquantel and Azithromycin on the fifty children of cysticercosis of the brain and to evaluate the side effects about Prasiquantel and Azithromycin in the therapy.Methods Fifty cases with cysticercosis of the brain took Prasiquantel 20 mg/(kg·d)(bid,ten days for each period of treatment) and Azithromycin 10 mg/(kg·d)(qd,three days for each period of treatment),both are three period of treatment all together.In the meantime all of the children were evaluted according to the clinical symptoms,computer tomography (CT) or MRI and the test results,especially the side effects of the drugs during the course of treatment and the two years follow-up.Results Thirty-three of the fifty cases were well recovered,sixteen were effective,and only one was of no effect:the effective rate was ninety-eight percentage.Conclusion Cysticercosis of the brain treated with Prasiquantel and Azithromycin can be well cured with less side effects.From the observation of two years follow-up,Azithromycin can not only greatly decrease the side effects of Prasiquantel therapy in the cysticercosis of the brain,also increase its therapy effects.As Azithromycin can inhibit the NF-κB which is the crucial factor in the control of inflammatory reaction.Azithromycin make Prasiquantel much more effective in the therapy of cysticercosis of the brain.The study shows that in the treatment of cysticercosis of the brain Prasiquantel combined with Azithromycin is very useful,which deserves to be applied widely to the clinic.
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
cysticercosis of the brain
therapy effect
side effect