

The Plant Improvement Project Conducted by the University of Nanking and Cornell University From the Perspective of US-China Technological Cooperation(1925-1931)
摘要 1925年,金陵大学邀请康奈尔大学的洛夫教授来中国订立了一项五年期的作物改良合作计划。从1925年至1931年间,康大的洛夫、马雅斯、韦根斯三位作物育种学教授共计来南京六次合作实施这项作物改良计划。计划中金大与康大作物育种人员协力合作,选育了包括小麦、大麦、高粱、玉米和棉花等大量高产抗病的作物品种,推广应用,赈灾济民。同时,合作计划也训练了一批专业的作物育种和推广人员,以继续推进中国的农学事业现代化。作为近代历史上中美首次系统性的作物育种合作项目,该计划为中国农业第一次带来了先进的科研、教育、推广三结合的科技合作模式,在推动中国农业近代化历程中的成功意义和国际影响值得高度关注。 In 1925, Professor Harry H. Love of Cornell University was invited to the University of Nanking to lead a five-year cooperation program of crop improvement called the Plant Improvement Project(PIP). From 1925 to 1931 Professor Harry H. Love, C. H. Myers, and R. G. Wiggans came to China to implement the PIP. With the joint efforts of specialists both from Cornell University and the University of Nanking, many highyielding crop varieties, including wheat, barley, sorghum, corn, and cotton, were bred and distributed to farmers to improve production and fight hunger. At the same time, they trained a professional group of crop breeders and extension workers to further China’s modernization of agricultural technology after the PIP was ended in 1931. As the first systematic cooperative crop breeding program between China and the United States, the PIP brought a new technological cooperative model of 'integration of agricultural research, education and extension' for China. The PIP’s successful significance and international influence on the agricultural modernization in China demand more scholarly attention.
作者 张瑞胜 R.道格拉斯·赫特 ZHANG Ruisheng;R.Douglas Hurt(Center for China Studies,Purdue University,West Lafayette,47906,USA)
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期1-17,共17页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 台湾蒋经国学术交流基金会(CCKF)博士论文奖 美国洛克菲勒基金会档案中心2018-2019年度研究基金 美国普渡基金会2018-2019年度研究基金 美国普渡大学文理学院"CLA Promise Award"科研基金 中国国家留学基金委员会(CSC)攻博项目等资助
关键词 金陵大学 康奈尔大学 作物改良 中美 University of Nanking Cornell University Plant improvement US-China
  • 相关文献



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  • 2沈宗翰.《借用美棉兴推广改良棉种》,《农林新报》1931年.
  • 3http://impact.cals.comell.edu/.
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  • 5EncyclopediaBritannica Online, http ://www. britannica, com/ EBchecked/topic/2133d4/foreign - aid.
  • 6John White, The Politics of Foreign Aid, New York : St. Martin Press, 1974.
  • 7丁绍彬.《大国对外援助--社会交换轮的视角》,社会科学文献出版社2010年版.
  • 8Jandhyala B. G. Tilak. Foreign Aid for Education, Intemational Review of Education, 1988.
  • 9商务部网站http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/mofconCzhizi.shtml.
  • 10江苏教育网http://www.ec.js.edu.cn/a.a/2013/6/25/art_7481_123576.html.








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