It is generally acknowledged that Japanese scholars’systematic introduction via translation of modern Western knowledge could date back to Rangaku or Dutch learning,an academic movement of translating European scientific and technical books via the Dutch language during the Edo period.It was a remarkable fact that Dutch learning was not merely an import of Western knowledge,for the Dutch learners also actively integrated Chinese knowledge into their studies of Western culture.The best example is Shogunate’s translation of Kōsei shimpen that frequently referred to the monumental botanical work of the Chinese Bencao gangmu.With their education in Chinese learning and traditional medicine,the Japanese translators correlated Western encyclopedic knowledge with Eastern botany from the very beginning of their studies.In making use of the latter to absorb the former,they became more aware of their differences,which eventually led to their thorough criticism of the latter.Such critical and comparative research helped the translators obtain new knowledge that was more practical and accurate.
XU Kewei(School of Foreign Languages,Peking University,Beijing,100871)
Journal of Dialectics of Nature