
量子纠缠现象的历史性哲学启示——兼及因果描述的理论模型性质 被引量:1

The Philosophical Historic Enlightenment of Quantum Entanglement
摘要 量子纠缠现象对传统哲学观念的更深层次搅动,不仅涉及定域性与非定域性甚至因果性等基本概念的理解,而且深化了我们对概念规定本身性质的认识;不仅揭示了本体论思维方式的性质,而且揭示了本体论描述方式的意义和局限。量子纠缠的哲学意蕴是划时代的,它意味着本体论是整体性把握对象性关系的理论模型。其最终目的不是抽象普遍性终极追寻,而是为具体事物的认识提供不断合理化的整体观照。量子纠缠所涉因果性问题与因果描述模型密切相关。量子纠缠所表明的非定域性并不是量子领域本身的特性奇异,而是源于哲学理论的传统定位。 The agitation on the deep-level of traditional philosophical view caused by quantum entanglement not only involves the understanding of basic concepts such as'locality'and'non-locality'even some basic categories like'causality',but also deepens our understanding of the stipulative nature of concept.It reveals the nature of ontological way of thinking,the meaning and limitations of ontological way of description.This means that ontology is only theoretical model as the overall grasp of the objective relationship.Its final goal,therefor,is not the ultimate pursuit of abstract universality,but to provide certain whole picture for the understanding of specific things.Quantum entanglement shows that the non-locality is not the singularity of the quantum domain itself,it originates from the traditional position of philosophical theory.
作者 王天恩 WANG Tian-en(Department of Philosophy,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China)
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期96-101,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社科基金重点项目"大数据相关关系和因果关系研究"(17AZX003)
关键词 量子纠缠 哲学启示 因果描述 非定域性 quantum entanglement philosophical enlightenment causal description non-locality
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