

The Report of 2018 Zhongguancun Life Quality Index Survey among High-tech Enterprises
摘要 调查内容包括有关地区高科技企业的中高级人才对文化娱乐生活、社会治安环境、住房条件等16个维度的满意度,以及移居其他城市的意愿。统计发现,对总体生活满意度有显著影响的7个维度分别是消费物价水平、当前心理状况、子女教育、空气质量、家庭理解支持、住房条件和社会治安环境。以这7个维度的影响力与各城市相应的满意度维度的得分相乘之和构成该城市的城市安居指数。根据调查反映的情况,报告提出了对政府和企业的一系列建议,供各方参考。 Under the guidance of Zhongguancun Science and Techonology Park Management Committee, professional organizations commissioned by Zhongguancun Talent Association started a survey on life satisfaction of intermediate and advanced technical talents in high-tech enterprises in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin, and Hebei since July 2017. The life quality index of various cities was calculated according to the survey results. The survey included the satisfaction of advanced technical talents in high-tech enterprises towards 16 dimensions including culture and entertainment, social security environment, and housing conditions as well as the willingness to emigrate to other city. Statistics showed that the 7 dimensions had significant influence on the overall life satisfaction, including consumer price level, current psychological status, children’s education, family support, air quality, housing and social security environment. The life quality index was calculated by multiplying the influence index of the 7 dimensions and the scores of satisfaction of various cities. Among the cities, Beijing got the lowest score while Shanghai the highest. According to the survey result, this article puts forward a series of suggestions for the government and enterprises for their reference. Zhongguancun Talent Association will continue to carry out surveys and research to promote the development of high-tech industry and talent development.
机构地区 中关村人才协会
出处 《中国人事科学》 2018年第9期62-73,共12页 Chinese Personnel Science
关键词 高科技企业 安居 指数 调查报告 high-tech enterprises life quality index survey report
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