一、机械能流在地面上滚动的球体(如图1所示),接触地面的那一点(即瞬时转心C)的机械能密度最小,最上面的那一点A 的机械能密度最大.随着时间的推移,机械能密度最大的点有能量流出,逐渐转变为能量最小的点(从几何学上看该点从最上面运动到最下面)。
In the gravitational field of the sunand the moon,the earth rotes on itsown axis and revolves around the sun.And that results in an energy flow indifferent parts of the earth.Accordingto the energy flow vector S=T.v,itcan be inferred that for a long timedifferent parts of the earth vibrate lati-tudinally.It may be the mechanicalfactor why the earth's tectonic structuresare south-north predominantly.
Chinese Journal of Nature